Home Coding Data Types – Floating

Data Types – Floating

Data Types – Floating

# Data Types - FLOAT
# Floatings are real numbers, with decimals.
# Can be positive and negative and can be 
# maded with the E notation.
# Like int they have no limits.
# In Dynamo you can't use E notation in a code block

float1 = 1.1				 # I'm one poin one
float2 = 1234.56789			 # Real number
float3 = -1_234.56789 		#Float  like integer  do not support . or , to separate
# decimals use _ (maybe the colorcode will not work)
float4 = 1E-3	# E notation
float5 = -25.3E+5	# Negative E notation
# copy www.AEC.codes
OUT = (float1 ,float2 ,float3 ,float4 ,float5 )